You must explicitly set value to null:

if (cobj.getPartNo()==null) pstmt.setNull(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
else pstmt.setString(1,cobj.getPartNo());

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 4:42 AM, Tomcat Programmer
<> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've tried doing research on this on the web but can't seem to find a clear 
> answer, I hope someone can help.  I'm currently working on an application 
> using Derby where the data being entered is optional for a lot of the fields. 
> The columns in the tables are defined using VARCHAR data type and accept 
> nulls.  If, in the code to do the insert or update,  someone leaves a field 
> empty in the application it will result in a null value being passed through 
> setString method like this:
> pstmt.setString(1,cobj.getPartNo());
> where the getPartNo() method returns null.  When this happens I get a null 
> pointer exception.  Is there a configuration parameter for Derby to accept 
> Java nulls and treat them as SQL nulls?   If not, the code is going to get 
> incredibly ugly fast if each value has to be checked for null and then issue 
> a separate setNull() method call.
> Thanks in advance,
> TC

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