Well I don't think you can redefine the classes used by the database driver.
What I use is wrapper classes for PreparedStatement instances.

BTW it has been very useful when Derby change the way they manage setBoolean 
when column data type is a string type.
Before 10.8.2 setBoolean was setting '0' or '1'. From 10.8.2, setBoolean set 
'true' or 'false' !!
I have had to change just one line of code to keep the same behaviour.

public void setBoolean( int index, boolean value )
    // stmt.setBoolean( index, value ) ;
   stmt.setInt( index, param ? 1 : 0 ) ;

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tomcat Programmer 
  To: Derby Discussion ; Tomcat Programmer 
  Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 5:31 PM
  Subject: Re: nulls in prepared statement

  > Well may be you won't have less ugly code, but at least it will be hidden 
  > I think the easiest way it to use you own PreparedStatement class. So you 
can do 
  > any special treatment or workaround in a centralized and unique place.

  Hi JYL this is a very insightful and interesting solution, which I would not 
have thought of.  Is this as simple as creating my own class with the derby 
version as its superclass and then just overriding the method?  That seems too 
easy .. is there any catches or pitfalls you can give me a heads up on?  Thanks 
again for your help! 

  Adding one specific thought:  if I extend the class, how do I get my version 
to be instantiated? (this is a web application and so it will be picking up 
driver registration and so forth from JNDI.) 

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