Hi Knut,

Thanks for your response. I tried setting the properties with derby completely 
lowercase and still don't seem to be having much luck with what I am trying to 

I have tried this a few different ways. Let me try to step through what I'm 
doing (and trying to do) and maybe you'll catch where I am going wrong:

Here's what my derby.properties looks like (with auth disabled and the system 
level user disabled).


We have Derby running inside of a Tomcat process/service. I use RazorSQL as my 
interface to Derby.

So today I tried:

1. Create database/user via the connection string:
without specifying a username/password in the RazorSQL connection profile. This 

2. Modify the profile to use the mdb user/pass and remove the connection string 
parameters and connect. This works.

3. Issue the following to Derby while logged in as MasterDB:

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.authentication.provider', 

This works, and I can still log in.

*However* what I want at this point is for no one else to be able to log in 
access this database or issue commands to Derby besides the "mdb" user that I 
created. My thought was to I enable authentication in derby.properties. However 
this then disallows access to the "mdb" user (I assume because the settings in 
derby.properies supercede the database level properties).

So either I am doing something wrong, or what I want to do is not possible in 

Can I have a single database user that can log in and act against a single 
database schema without having a user declared in derby.properties in plain 
text. And can I deny access to Derby/schema to everyone else? If this is 
possible, can someone walk me through the steps to accomplish it.


Rob DiPietro

-----Original Message-----
From: Knut Anders Hatlen [mailto:knut.hat...@oracle.com] 
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 7:37 AM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: Authentication and passwords in derby.properties

Robert DiPietro <robert.dipie...@accelrys.com> writes:

> Hello!
> I have been deving against a Derby DB on which requireAuthentication 
> is true, the provider is built-in, and all users have been defined in 
> the derby.properties file (so they are all system level users). This 
> has been extremely convenient in development, however there are 
> obvious concerns about having the password stored in plaintext in a 
> file.
> Is it possible to require authentication in built-in mode, but have no 
> system level users defined in derby.properties, rather only defined at 
> database level (stored internally on the database)?
> For example, I have tried disabling requireAuthentication, logging in 
> to the system, creating a db, and then creating a user against it 
> using these commands:
> SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('Derby.database.propertiesOnly'
> ,'true'); CALL 
> SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('Derby.connection.requireAuthen
> tication', 'true'); CALL 
> SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('Derby.authentication.provider'
> 'password');
> Which seems to work, but then if I enable requireAuthentication in 
> derby.properties, I can no longer log in.

Hi Robert,

The property names should start with 'derby' (all lowercase), not 'Derby'. Does 
it work as expected if you change the case of the initial letter?

Knut Anders

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