Hi Rob,

If I understand your needs correctly, you want to be able to do the following:

1) Store credentials in a database managed by a Derby NetworkServer.

2) Prevent random users from creating databases on the server machine by running ij from their client desktops.

Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of options with Derby's BUILTIN authentication scheme. Either a) you expose the plaintext credentials in system properties or the derby.properties file, or b) you store the credentials in a Derby database where they can't be used to authenticate system-wide operations like database creation and engine shutdown. I believe that your options are:

A) Use LDAP authentication on the server machine. See http://db.apache.org/derby/docs/10.8/devguide/devguide-single.html#cdevcsecure38522

B) Write your own custom authenticator which runs on the server machine and stores credentials in a Derby database. See http://db.apache.org/derby/docs/10.8/publishedapi/jdbc4/

C) Wait for release 10.9. In 10.9 we expect to introduce NATIVE authentication. NATIVE authentication will store credentials in a Derby database and let you use them to authenticate system-wide operations like database creation and engine shutdown. For more information, see the UserManagement.html spec attached to DERBY-866.

Hope this helps,

On 1/17/12 12:06 PM, Robert DiPietro wrote:
Thanks for your response Kristian.

Following your ij session... it works and access to the 'mdb' instance is 
restricted to the 'mdb' database user. But someone can then still run ij and 
create other databases and users. This is what I am trying to avoid.

I was hoping there was a way to do this without having a system level 
username/password defined in derby.properties in plain text.

So is that possible?

Thanks again,

Rob DiPietro

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristian Waagan [mailto:kristian.waa...@oracle.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 1:52 AM
To: derby-user@db.apache.org
Subject: Re: Authentication and passwords in derby.properties

On 16.01.12 16:05, Robert DiPietro wrote:
Hi Knut,

Thanks for your response. I tried setting the properties with derby completely 
lowercase and still don't seem to be having much luck with what I am trying to 

I have tried this a few different ways. Let me try to step through what I'm 
doing (and trying to do) and maybe you'll catch where I am going wrong:

Here's what my derby.properties looks like (with auth disabled and the system 
level user disabled).


We have Derby running inside of a Tomcat process/service. I use RazorSQL as my 
interface to Derby.

So today I tried:

1. Create database/user via the connection string:
without specifying a username/password in the RazorSQL connection profile. This 

2. Modify the profile to use the mdb user/pass and remove the connection string 
parameters and connect. This works.

3. Issue the following to Derby while logged in as MasterDB:

,'true'); CALL
tication', 'true'); CALL

This works, and I can still log in.

When I perform the above steps, I'm not able to log into the database at all.
If I additionally do
    CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.user.mdb', 'mdb'); , I 
can only connect with that user/pass.

Here's from the ij session:
ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb;create=true;user=mdb;password=mdb';

ij>  CALL

0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij>  CALL
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij>  CALL
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij>  disconnect;

ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb;shutdown=true;user=mdb;password=mdb';

ERROR 08006: Database 'mdb' shutdown.
ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb';
ERROR 08004: Connection authentication failure occurred.  Reason:
Invalid authentication..
ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb;user=mdb;password=incorrect';
ERROR 08004: Connection authentication failure occurred.  Reason:
Invalid authentication..
ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb;user=mdb;password=mdb';
ij>  disconnect;
ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb;shutdown=true';
ERROR 08004: Connection authentication failure occurred.  Reason:
Invalid authentication..
ij>  connect 'jdbc:derby:mdb;shutdown=true;user=mdb;password=mdb';
ERROR 08006: Database 'mdb' shutdown.

When using the BUILTIN scheme, users defined in derby.properties are
system-wide, whereas users defined as database properties are specific
to that database.


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