Hi guys, some comments inline:

On 03/14/2014 01:33 PM, Rick Hillegas wrote:
Hi Wojciech,

Some comments inline...

On 3/13/14 12:50 PM, Wojciech Barej wrote:
Hello Rick,

Thank you for replying to my issue. It drives me crazy.

I have done what you asked of me.





I can clearly see that the authorizationid is incorrect for my schema
'SA'. Why?
This tells us that the database was created in one of two ways. Either

i) user was explicitly set to app

ii) or no value was supplied for the user attribute and the default
(app) was taken by Derby


I have successfully run your script from within ij with the results as



Here I can see a proper authorizationid values.
Also the SQL authorization worked properly here. The owner retained
its ownership and I could use SELECT statement.
Everything worked as supposed to.

What is interesting here is that when I create a new database from
within NetBeans 7.3 and run a check:
select schemaName, authorizationID from sys.sysschemas
order by schemaName;

I always have APP as an authorizationid value for every schema even
one created by me.

I checked your script and the only difference I can spot at the moment
is that you didn't supply password when creating the database  for
user 'sa' whereas I do specify it in NetBeans.

I also think I run a check before from ij as well and I executed the
statement like this:

connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;create=true;user=sa;password=sa';

and I also had problems with the SQL authorization.

Is it possible that supplying password during the database creation
before the authentication (derby.connection.requireAuthentication) is
switched on makes Derby assigning incorrect authorization ids?
I added a password to the creation url. That does not affect the
results. The database is still owned by sa. My suspicion is that the
database is not being created when you think it is. Since this only
happens under Netbeans, my guess would be that Netbeans is proactively
creating the database without supplying a user name. If I were tackling
this problem, I would look for a way to tell Netbeans not to do that.

Maybe we will get some comments from someone who understands Netbeans
better than I do.

I tried creating a database in Netbeans. What I see is that

1) It comes with a default database ("sample") with authid APP
2) When trying to create a database it defaults to the network driver
3) You can expand the "Drivers" node and left-click "Java DB (Embedded)", and select "Connect using". Then you get a wizard where you enter username and password, and there is a button for setting properties. You then have to add connect=true to the set of properties to create the database.

When pressing "Next" you are prompted for the schema to use. But the schema corresponding to the new username you chose is not yet available - presumably because it is created on demand, and APP is the default instead.

If you then choose a different schema, like "SYSIBM", and run a create table command using that connection, you can expand the "Other schemas" node and see a schema with same name as the user you connected as.

If you now create a new connection (by left-clicking on the "Java DB (Embedded Driver)" node), and repeat the steps above (except that the create property is no longer needed) you now get the schema corresponding to the user name as the default. Moreover, by expanding the node this schema you can see the table you created using the first connection, and there is no new table in SYSIBM.

I suspect that the Netbeans wizard was written for a number of different databases and drivers, many of which probably do this differently. As a result there is a certain impedance mismatch between the wizard interface and what actually happens inside Derby.




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