15.04.2011, 19:58, "Fabian A. Scherschel" <f...@sixgun.org>:
> Hi, Owen!
> I don't think I need to point out that I don't agree with this. This further 
> marginalises both the Design and Marketing team for what, a "hot corner"? So 
> as it stands, we have our logo shortly when Plymouth is done booting, in the 
> installer and on the GDM screen. And we are wondering why people think Ubuntu 
> = Linux and Fedora never gets a foot in the door anywhere? I understand 
> sticking to the design principles of Shell and Gnome 3 but I also think this 
> needs to be discussed. Maybe we should CC Marketing on this, it seems to be 
> more their realm anyway.
> IMO: I don't really care where the Fedora logo ends up (wallpaper or Shell), 
> but it *needs* to be on the Desktop somewhere. Anything else seems silly to 
> me if we really want to establish a brand and spread Fedora and its virtues 
> even more.
> Maybe we should start including it in the wallpaper. I understand the 
> guidelines but let's be realistic: Who re-uses our wallpapers anyway? I've 
> never seen one anywhere but on a Fedora desktop.
> Fab
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:55 PM, Owen Taylor <otay...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 23:50 +0200, Timur Kristóf wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for the positive reacitons so far! :)
>>> I've sent the package for review, here is the link:
>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=696357
>>> Responding to Fab's comment:
>>>>  > That sounds like something we should consider to ship by default.
>>> I was kind of hoping that someone would say that. :)
>> Whether this package is included in Fedora is presumably only determined
>> by whether it's free software, meets the Fedora logo usage guidelines
>> and so forth.
>> But I want to be very clear here (and sorry to have to introduce a
>> negative reaction) that this cannot be part of the default Fedora
>> install set.
>> The Activities button is the central point of the GNOME UI. Putting a
>> Fedora logo there:
>>  - Makes it unclear whether there is one click target or two
>>  - Separate the "Activities" word from the hot corner.
>>  - Creates a discrepancy between the GNOME documentation and
>>   instructional videos and the Fedora experience.
>> If a Fedora logo appears to the Left of activities, many users will go
>> to the corner and careful click on Activities instead of taking
>> advantage of Fitt's law and discovering the hot corner.
>> (Compare, on a Mac, the Apple menu is a separate click target from the
>> File menu next to it. The start menu in old versions of Windows which
>> was logo + text was styled to look like a single button so is not a
>> valid point of comparison.)
>>>  > I've also been thinking about the fact that the only place someone
>>>  > sees a Fedora logo on F15 is a few split-seconds when Plymouth is
>>>  > booted a nd that that isn't good at all for our branding.
>>> This is 100% agreed.
>>> I have no idea why Fedora 15 misses any Fedora branding at the moment,
>>> but we definitely shouldn't let it be released this way. As it is now, F15
>>> doesn't feel like being Fedora at all.
>>> (I'm not sure why the desktop team decided this way.)
>> I think the plan is to go back to having the Fedora logo on the GDM
>> screen.

Let's be honest: the users of GNOME 2 are afraid of GNOME 3 shell. It's 
something new and awkward that needs to be discovered and requires getting rid 
of some habits while acquiring some new ones.

Having the logo in the "panel" design would bring similarity and make it easier 
to feel accustomed soon.

For the plugin.

Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
shnurapet AT fedoraproject.org, GPG: 00217306
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