Okay, this is understandable.
So how can a user distinguish between Fedora and any other Gnome distro, 
if there isn't a logo?

On 04/15/2011 04:18 PM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 16:10 +0200, Kristóf Timur wrote:
>> Every desktop environment that Fedora provides has Fedora branding.
>> Could you please elaborate why the shell should be an exception?
> The shell is not a desktop environment. GNOME 3 is. And we already
> compromised by allowing that to be branded via the background.
> There is no rule, either written down or implicit, that everything that
> puts a panel-like bar on the top of your monitor has to have a Fedora
> logo in the left corner.
> As I said, this kind of branding was somewhat expected with gnome 2,
> which was shipped with the expectation that distributions would pick a
> suitable theme (or let users pick their own), background, icons, etc,
> and would decide the number of panels, and on a suitable default
> arrangement of items on them (or again, let the users pick).
> GNOME 3 is very explicitly going away from that 'tool box' approach. We
> want to provide a recognizable experience, that is nice and polished by
> default, and does not need 'improvement' or 'branding' by each
> distribution. You can see that in many things: we removed the theme
> capplet, the shell does not support themes, etc etc.
> So yes, GNOME 3 is very different from GNOME 2 in that respect.
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