
I'm newbie here, so my name is Paulo, 20. I'm a Brazilian Computer Science studant and an art lover. Last days I've discovered many new possibilities about the Open Source development universe, specifically the LibreOffice world. And it excited me to come here to this maillist.

I've seen some people rethinking how to improve the LibreOffice interface. Some *really* interesting projects, like Citrus UI [1], in which somebody is working hard for months. I myself made some mockups [2], fortunately welcome by some people.

So I'd like to know if there any ongoing project or even plains to change the current Libre Office UI by official depelopers.

Moreover, I'd really like to become a LibreOffice's developer. If anyone could help me with some guidelines or links, I'll be very grateful.

Thank you for reading

[1] - http://clickortap.wordpress.com/
[2] - http://pauloup.deviantart.com/gallery/28216273
Paulo José O. Amaro
Computer Science Student
Federal University of São João del-Rei
WebDesigner / Linked Empresa Júnior
Blogger / casatwain.com

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