i love the website-design proposal!!
it doesn't just look AWESOME but could also make the website more
usable, as you said.

Am Sonntag, den 20.02.2011, 01:40 +1100 schrieb Nik:
> Hullo Design!
> (whoa, once again, LOOOOONG Email, sorry, but these issues were 
> "circumnavigated", they really need to be brought up).
> This will seem counter-productive to say but I REALLY don't want to slow 
> us down! Especially now in this time of urgency.
> *(I even have a very quick and stringent timeline/plan for execution of 
> these suggestions at the bottom of this long email)*
> But I've been putting this off for some time already and the situation 
> will get worse if we do much more without considering it;
> There are many *many* things that need to be designed RIGHT NOW: 
> banners, cd covers, collateral, ads, website graphics, flyers.
> The Community cannot wait any more.
> Because we are unable to provide all of this right now, the community 
> will go ahead and make their own (often harmful to our desire for a 
> professional image). It is already happening.
> Right now we are asked to make banners, the point of which is to be seen 
> by as many people as possible.
> I don't think we're ready for that yet to be quite frank. But we have 
> to, nonetheless, it's for the best cause!
> Since the MIME-type icons have been the only major work so far to go 
> through rigorous iteration within this community, their design is being 
> appropriated onto all the formats we are working on;
> - The fund-raising banners are using the "pale innerborder + dark 
> outerborder + clipped corner" treatment from the logo/icons
> - The impress templates are using the radial gradient / vignette from 
> the icons (this is a great project/initiative by the way)
> - Paulo has turned the icons into --may I be so rude as to say-- F#©k!n% 
> GORGEOUS wallpapers! =O
> But there is a problem. These design elements made sense on the icons;
> - Coloured outline: a folder lining
> - Pale inner border: depth of paper-stack
> - Radial gradient: top-lighting of pile
> - Clipped corner: from our logo
> But they don't make sense everywhere, and right now they are being 
> carried over to other formats due to convenience/consensus-status.
> *This problem and the other one mentioned above, could be fixed if we 
> created a Design motif or theme;*
> - We could use it (the motif) without mixing metaphors
> - The /community/ could use it without having to design from scratch and 
> undoing our work on brand consistency
> This wasn't a problem in OOo because there was;
> - The Seagulls = theme (openness, sky, flying, freedom)
> - The wired gulls (as fugly as they were) = motif
> The usual process for this (I know most of you will know this, but bare 
> with me one sec) is that;
> 1. The chief characteristic of the company/org is identified. Specified 
> as a desirable "image/perception".
> 2. A strong logo is created, which allows for;
> 3. The extrapolation/derivation of a design motif. (preferably VECTOR 
> and simple, it will need to be printed on LARGE materials)
> 4. They form the basis for a start to the style guide, including Brand 
> guidelines and colours which reflect the "image/perception"
> 5. High quality stock photography is used to support (which is glaringly 
> absent in LibO)
> 6. Templates are made available to all, to make it easier to adhere to 
> this consistent "image/perception"
> I think it has (wisely) been decided that our LibO design /theme/ is: 
> "paper". To build on user familiarity with a paper office. Good, "check".
> I'll skip my reservations about the logo and deciding colours without a 
> "theme" for now.
> If anyone has a D90+ / 450D+ or other higher quality DSLR, please 
> consider taking some stock photography we can use (the potential subject 
> matter would need to be discussed in another thread).
> Right now the closest thing we have to a motif is the clipped corner, 
> which is promising, BUT...
> At the moment *all* things are inheriting a "bordered box and corner" 
> which creates many "cornered boxes" on one page, this isn't a great move.
> It reduces the effectiveness of the corner design if it is in too many 
> places, being used like a layout element rather than as a branding element.
> For example, it is present on the LibO homepage in 6 places right now, 
> with no rhythm or alignment.
> One very prominent clipped corner on the page should be enough. This 
> isn't to say it shouldn't reappear elsewhere, but the dark grey 
> "floating" corner element should NOT appear elsewhere in the layout.
> Repetition isn't always a sign of consistency, sometimes it's a great 
> sign of limitations.
> For example, I've uploaded a (nasty and rough) example of how I would 
> imagine 1 corner would suffice and make a bigger impact;
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:Onecorner.jpg
> It could also serve some important purpose: download button / 
> back-to-top button / or if LibO is feeling adventurous and moves the 
> Logo to the top-right, it could serve as the home button.
> But this is all branding-speak. What I want to say, loud and clear;
> I propose the following timeline because it is necessary and because I 
> have heard a few people (Johannes? Paulo? Jaron?) suggest they may be 
> available soon.
> - *2 or 3 days* to discuss on this list ideas about what the motif 
> should be. What the "perception" should be.
> - *1 or 2 days* to design a vector composition
> - *1 day* when Bernhard+Christoph+Ivan (as the most-active and senior 
> members of the Design list) decide on 1 motif
> - *1 day* to refine as per feedback.
> So this could be all done in a week if we are agile.
> I know it isn't ideal, but the current logo was made in the same 
> circumstance. And we cannot go on treating the logo/icons as 
> Design:formatting elements!!!
> As soon as we have a Design motif, in a couple of variations, it will be 
> easier to make everything look professional and clean (assuming the 
> motif itself looks this way).
> In the mean time, I strongly recommend that the fund-raising banners be 
> So that they do not hint at a Design/style that we will not adhere to 
> long-term, or create a perception of a Design direction which has not 
> already been decided.
> They should be as /neutral/ and /occasion/-specific as possible and bare 
> no strong /stylistic/ elements whatsoever. Otherwise people will come to 
> think of them as the LibO "style" and we will have to honour it.
> Right now too many 
> different/incomplete/disparate/unintentional/inconsistent design items 
> are making their way to the public and our ability to intelligently 
> "master" a design style or direction for LibO is slipping out of our 
> hands. The more this continues, the more LibO will be a haphazard 
> collection of randomly made design elements.
> It'll be like OOo all over again.
> I would really appreciate if some of the Design leadership (Bernhard, 
> Christoph, Ivan) commented on whether they thought this plan is 
> feasible. Or updated it with times that are more appropriate.
> On 2/19/2011 9:28 AM, Christoph Noack wrote:
> > @ Paulo, Nik: If you have some time, could you please dive into working
> > on the missing graphics? It would be great if you could coordinate this
> > on this list, to avoid doubled effort. If you miss the time, I'll jump
> > in tomorrow ... but I'd like to work on other less visible funding
> > stuff :-\
> >
> > The missing items are listed here:
> > http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/FoundationChallenge#Required_Items
> Hi Paulo and Christoph,
> I will work on some Community banners seeing as how they are urgent.
> I think Paulo can work on the same thing without "doubling" our efforts 
> seeing as how multiple banners are needed.
> Whaddaya reckon?
> >
> > you know, some people do also miss normal web banners.
> >
> Yes. Most of them are called "Marketing executives" ;)
> But they invented Google-ads to satisfy /that/ crowd.
> ...
> IVAN!!!
> I know you're immensely busy old chap, but I'd be super-interested to 
> know what you think about all this.
> -Nik

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