Hi Bernhard

We need some structure and therefore we need someone unofficially or officially to lead it. I'm more than happy for you to take on that role.

If possible, I'd like to see a degree of formalisation of how the design team will work together with suggestions of stages for taking an idea and transforming it into a form that we have agreement on for submission to the pool of programmers.

This is about building relationships between the design team members but also between the design team and programmers so they feel part of the design team.

It's like selling ideas to management - well articulated ideas with supporting evidence should make a difference in getting done what the Design Team thinks by consensus is necessary to improve the product.

Here are some suggestions for stages;

1) Someone comes up with an idea
2) Idea is posted on Design/WhiteBoards and emailed to team members
3) Idea is discussed and debated with ample opportunity to test idea and gather arguments for and against 4) Goes to vote stage by design members after member proposes that they do this - if passed goes to Stage 5) 5) A Design/Whiteboards paper for the idea if constructed giving a formalised breakdown of the idea - i.e. Overview, Introduction, Main Body with evidence, conclusions (why idea is a good one) and references/bibliography.
6) Submitted to programmers pool for their feedback.
7) Followup

We need to make this reasonably professional without turning it into a Phd. It makes it transparent for all.

I know that some of these things are already done, but using a system will make it more likely that progress is seen to be made on some very interesting and beneficial ideas.

What does everybody think?


Phil Jackson

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