Er... Thanks folks for your input. As the website will be rolled out
next week, and that we requested this kind of feedback since, well,
3 months for some elements in 3 weeks for the "final" results, I suggest
you, the design team, work on a later version of the website later this
year and incorporate the elements that have been listed below. 

We would have hoped for your input much earlier in the process, now
it's a bit too late for that.



Le Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:13:49 +0100,
Stefan Knorr <> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> so, first, I really like the new page, especially the fact that it is
> now responsive and looks much more modern. Lato is a nice font, too.
> And it finally feels a bit more personal than the current page which
> presents pretty models as our community.
> just to voice a few things of my own...
> On 25 January 2014 12:20, bitigçi <> wrote:
> > I wonder why the current shade of green which is already hosted on
> > the splash screen and wiki page? This one is too much dark and
> > without proper border gradients it looks like it's from 90s. Again,
> > this is needed for compatibility in all LO web and software
> > platforms. Seriously, why the need for a change? Splash screen
> > green shade is very easy on the eyes, and it is good looking. But
> > this one with white text is not the perfect choice.
> Right. The problem is that the splash screen green was not part of our
> palette before 4.0. And compared to the rest of the palette, it does
> look that way, too.
> On the other hand, I also understand your criticism -- the green is
> indeed pretty harsh. For me, it still works, though. (However, putting
> that green in the splash screen again though will not allow for being
> subtle. And yes, since our branding story should be aligned from
> product to website at some point, we would have to think about this.
> That said, if we're using that dark green, it would be much better to
> use it for text & logo instead of the background.)
> Anyway... One thing that does not work is using small black text on
> dark green. It doesn't contrast well at all. Also, it reminds me of
> this:
> ;) Wonder why they went with that -- It's actually much worse on a
> real-life poster.
> > Also white text on white background is a no-no, it's literally an
> > eye-killer.
> I guess you should explain where on the page that was -- I couldn't
> find it.
> > Menus on top should be opened automatically on mouse hover, it's the
> > standard gesture in all websites.
> +1. Also, hovering works with CSS only, for clickable menus you need
> JS. This means that currently, when disabling JS in the browser, the
> menu is needlessly broken. (It won't matter for the mobile page, as
> you can't disable JS in mobile browsers anyway.)
> > Also as different people already stated above, this website needs
> > nice screenshots with feature explanations, no one cares about what
> > kind of sacred mission LibreOffice has, people need a software that
> > works.
> Yep. Marketing to the 10 % (or less) of people that care about the
> whole open-source & community aspect is very important, but marketing
> to the other 90 % shouldn't be completely left aside..
> On a similar note: the footer communicates to me that this community
> is just overkilling it socially. Nobody cares, and nobody actually
> wants two Twitter feeds to load at the bottom of every page (consider
> page load times etc.).
> Same with the "follow us" thing -- two Twitter links, fine. Five? Why?
> Also, the presence of this bar could be reduced a little (smaller
> headline on the same line as the icons maybe?).
> A few other things:
> + Some mentioned the Get Involved page and the carousel there: I
> personally don't think this makes any sense. There is a limited number
> (they are not changing every week) of items and people are probably
> only interested in one or two very specific things. So, the page
> should allow for selecting a "career path" without having to wait for
> the slides to animate through or clicking through all slides which is
> cumbersome.
> + Why is the header LibreOffice logo grey? (That is actually not a
> colour sanctioned in the brand guide, white is allowed)
> + The text baseline between the top logo and the top menu items seems
> a little off (on Windows) maybe you could correct that.
> + The font on the Download Now button on the homepage is wrong (should
> probably be Lato, but is Arial). Also, worse, it still lies and only
> links to the download page. See for how it should be (they
> test(ed) this workflow _very_ meticulously, even down to comparing the
> effectiveness of different colours):
> (button links right to download, button has all the most important
> information)
> Best regards,
> Astron.

Charles-H. Schulz 
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