On 2015-11-11 09:27, Bastián Díaz wrote:
El 10-11-2015 16:25, Joel Madero escribió:

Hi All,l

So either we improve current style dropdown in panel Properties
considerably, maybe ending up removing S&F panel, or the other way round..
In any case: the better and more visible the use of styles, the more I
applaud the solution :)

Here here! I love the discussion and think that it should focus on exactly this point. The question should be both "how do we efficiently let current 'power users' use styles" AND "how do we inform current users about the power of styles - most notably, by making it as visible as possible."

Keep up the great work. Thanks a million for all of your dedication/thoughtful suggestions.


I was coming to a similar conclusion.

I love the styles and formatting. I use it everyday and I would like the default panel in the sidebar (direct formatting could go in the toolbar, along with its own panel).

My question is:
Why not add the style dropdown menu in the panel of styles and formatting?

- The dropdown menu can be positioned at the top or bottom of styles and formatting panel. - The drop-down menu will be sensitive categories (document styles, applied styles, custom styles, etc.) - (based on mockups) In a single panel (stack view?) Are displayed, the paragraph and character styles.

In practice it would become very practical: a) at a glance would have available all paragraph and character styles. b) through the dropdown menu, based on categories would faster selection or specific styles.

Use Case:
An advanced user to create specific styles for a document beforehand, creating a template or a particular document. All paragraph and character styles are available at a glance, easy to customize or create styles for your document. Begin to write your document, you will have a quick way to apply styles via the dropdown menu. As the user created their styles of early, can Select the category "Custom Styles" and only see the styles created for that document. At the same time, the user have the other visible styles should create new or modify them.

This approach maintains differentiated the properties panel (direct formatting) and panel styles and formatting.

Bastián Díaz

As long as you don't remove it from the tool bar. The drop down holds the style used in re-styling a document and it is very quick to access during document processing, 2 clicks. In my use case I can't fit the side bar and having the panel open all the time in 3 documents obliterates the text I am trying to work on.

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