Le 14/01/2016 10:48, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
On 14/01/16 10:20, Samuel Mehrbrodt wrote:

> If you are ok with that, I'll prepare a patch to show the tab bar by

Sorry, it's not "me" being OK with the solution, "users" should be OK
with the solution (and users have not been asked at all: the fact that
is all documented on GitHub or in other esotheric places that users do
not access - users are not developers - is a gigantic bullshit).

You said very important things !
That's the core problem : currently, there is no user feedback.

The design team is very motivated to create good UI, but we (as I
participated in the design team) have the "ivory tower" syndrom :
we just talk between 3 to 10 people, mostly some people heavily
involved in LibreOffice or software development.
We never have the feedback from 'lambda/basic' users.
Designing a software is much much more than doing IRC or hangouts and
talking about one mockup. It should have "use cases, prototypes, user testing and iterate". (it's not a rant against the design team, it's a constructive critic or an enhancement request)
I talked about that (and much more already 3 years ago in my blog [1]

Few days ago, I started the idea of "eating our own dog food", that is design team should use LO to create mockups, and more if possible. It would be a first step in having user feedback : some internal feedback, but design team should be in front of real usability problems in LO. As a regular user of LO, I'm often angry because of such details that reduce/kill my productivity in my daily job.


[1] http://mr-consultant.net/blog/category/libreoffice

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