Date:     2016-July-22 
Present:  Olivier, Jay, Heiko, Akshay, Regina, Rishabh, Susobhan, Tomaz, 
Unknown, Samuel, bubli

Easy hacks and extensions
  - nothing new

Google Summer of Code

  * Template Manager (Akshay/Samuel)
        + Emoji continued
        + Start center filter will be added this weekend

  * Area Fill (Rishabh/Heiko)
       + Decision on how to implement User colors vs. Recent colors
         + Option 1: Replacement of Recent colors
            + No user.soc in dropdown, only below the color grid
            + Manipulation (delete) at Tool > Options > Color
            + Limited to 12 items, or so
            + Workflow using recent colors could deal with Document colors
         + Option 2: Additional palette
            + User.soc as own palette
            + Manipulation in Area dialog
            + Tools > Options > Color would be obsolete
            + Recent colors remain (bugs need to get fixed)
         -> Fix Recent Colors first (bubli, jay)
         -> Go with Option 2 (Heiko, jay)
         + Double check View > Toolbars > Color bar so that the currently 
active palette is shown there (Regina)

  * Sidebar Improvements (Susobhan)
      + Media Playback Panel: Patch up here (scheduler not working) -
        - Media Control Toolbar is already buggy (controls malfunction)
        - Tested in 4.4 and it was working and broken in 5.0 (Jay)
        - Needs more testing and looking for experts

   * Notebookbar (Szymon, Kendy, Samuel)
        + Several issues solved (empty tabs, window resizing etc.)

Enhancements and proposals
    + New entries in Help menus for better link between users and documentation 
        + Great idea (heiko, jay)
        + Have also social media in this menu? No, because this list would not 
have an end (jay)
        + Localization issues are being fixed (bubli)
        + Disable Download Offline Help when it is found on the local system 
        + Consider to rename "The Book of LibreOffice" into something like 
"User Guide"
        + Add a link to the extensions/templates page

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