Quoting the document at http://pad.documentfoundation.org/p/UX-GHNS

i) Please add a title at the top of the document;
ii) Define "extension";
iii) Define "template";

>The scope is limited to only extensions and templates

My understanding is that the "proper" way to distribute additional
palettes, icons, clipart, fonts, templates, etc, is as an extension. If
that is not what the reader is to understand, provide definitions,
including examples.

By way of example:
* Palette: Parabolic Colour Palette:
* Icons: Classic Theme:
http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center/classic-theme ;
*Clipart: Gallery of Danger Signs:
http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center/gallery-of-danger-signs ;

* Fonts: I don't have an example here. I've a dim recollection that
either OOOP-accesories-#### or OOOP-Accesories-nonfree-#### included
fonts. (I've got too many fonts installed (^1), to tell if fonts are
installed by either extension.)
Browse https://sourceforge.net/projects/ooop/files/Extension/ ,
or more specifically,
for additional extensions.

(Due to a hard drive failure, I no longer have my collection of
AOo/EO/LibO/NO/OOo/OOoP extensions.)

*Templates: OxygenOffice Professional English Templates:

The LibO template at
does not have an extension, which is why I'm not using it as an example
here. I don't know if Infra can correct that omission, or not.

>Features/Functional Requirements

Two big issues here are:

* Keeping the number of options at each level to five, or less.
Whilst design theory says one can go to seven,by restricting the number
of options to five, an overage of one or two won't result in instant
over-choice confusion;

* Getting the sequence in which choices are made, logical, relevant, and
+ The classic example of bad sequencing is selecting a car, by fist
choosing the type of body, then the colour, then type of engine, then
the number of doors, and finally the number of seats. If you're like
most consumers, you start with a K-Platform, because that is the only
thing you recognize, and only when you reach the number of seats, do you
realize that an SUV is not available;
+ Good sequencing starts by asking if you want a pickup truck, SUV, 2
door, 4 door, 5 door, or something else. Then it asks about seats,
engine, colour, and the rest of personalizations that one desires.(^2);

>Adrian wants to distribute additions for the users in his enterprise only.

Something I'd like see, is an option to install all extensions in one
directory. A long time ago, there was an extension for FireFox, that did
just that.

A more specific use-case would be installing dictionaries for three or
four languages. For example:
* In Vancouver BC, installing French & English (official languages),
Chinese (dominant language), and Spanish (South American refugees that
escaped from the United States) is more or less normal;
* Users in South Africa might want to install dictionaries for each
official language.  There are either 11 or 13 (^3) of them;


Another use-case would be to filter out extensions & templates that have
had no releases.  For example

> Personas: Yes, please!

Can the internal code be modified/rewritten to load personas from one's
local system?
implies that this functionality was part of the design specs.

>Table Styles, Area fill patterns: No need to include and distribute all

I'm not sure if that includes, or excludes:
* SOB: Bitmaps: Presumably for Impress backgrounds;
* SOC: Colour palettes;
* SOD: Dashes;
* SOE: Markers. Currently only Arrowheads are available;
* SOG: Gradient table;
* SOH: Hatch table;

Regardless, I think inclusion of those file types _when_ delivered as
extensions. Discussion about other modes of delivery/installation might
be useful.

>New design/Mockup

>it should automatically filter out entries that don't reach the
additions LO version requirement.

* Leave the ability to search by version number, with the default being
the most recently released version. There are some users who, for
various reasons, have to use an older version;
* Have an option to search "All versions", that has to be specifically
selected by the user. Some extensions haven't been updated in years, but
still work correctly;
* Have an option to search "Fresh Version" and "Still Version", that
point to the current version, respectively;

>  doubt most users would care about licensing

* Great Minds v. Fedex Office and Print Services, Inc.

has just propelled CC-BY-NC licenses back into the courts.

Elsewhere, I've read discussions about CC-BY-SA templates, and whether
or not that requires the resulting content to also be CC-BY-SA. (If it
does, then laws like HIPPA, and S-Oxley preclude the corporate use of
CC-BY-* templates.)

As such, whilst consumers might not be interested in the specific
license, for SOHO & SMB users, the license can be critical.

* I also am aware of instances where the extension has claimed one
license on the site, but upon installation, a completely different
license is presented. I'm not sure how to fix the issue of unscrupulous
developers before the fact. One option might be to require a license
file in the OXT, and display that. No license file in the OXT, and the
extension is automatically rejected. For templates, read the metadata,
and display what is in the license and copyright field. If either field
is absent, the template is automatically rejected. If an ODF file format
is not offered, then the extension, or template is automatically rejected.

> and system requirements

If an extension requires a specific OS, the potential user should be
made aware of that, prior to attempting to download it. Likewise, if an
extension can't run on a specific platform, the user should know that,
prior to downloading and attempting to install it.

Likewise, if an extension requires other, specific software to be
installed, or legal access to a specific cloud function/address, that
should, at a minimum, be in the description block.

By way of example, _Storage Made Easy Multi Cloud File Explorer_
The description states:
«This extension allows users to access and save files to a number of
different cloud storage providers using the StorageMadeEasy.com Cloud
Service (account required)»

^1: Before my last purge, I had 100K fonts installed. How many were
because software programs insist on installing fonts that were already
installed, I know not.

^2: Or, more commonly, the options that are installed on something in
the dealer's lot right now, rather than the options that can be
installed at the factory. Tactics used by car salespeople maximize
revenue today, and customer dissatisfaction.

^3: Julius Malema has been muttering that South Africa has 13 official
languages. Other political leaders have talked about a twelfth official


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