2017-02-22 22:20 GMT+01:00 Heiko Tietze <tietze.he...@googlemail.com>:

> Hello everyone,
> some topics for tomorrow, feel free to submit more
> Organization
>  * Notebookbar procedure
>    + What/When do we accept additionally NBs in master?
>    + How to accept improvements to existing NBs?
>    + Make a plan on what we want to provide as factory settings

+ how can we guaranty that the Notebookbar look good for all icon themes
(32px icon size and new icons needed). I will work on breeze to make it
+ Alignment should be fixed also some tabs have the same actions twice. In
addition there is enough space for lc_ (24px) icons but sc_ (16px) icons
were used. In the toolbar the lc_ 24px icons are default
+ tabs look so ugly in Windows 7 (could this be fixed somehow?)
+ bugfixing is needed
- how can the icon size can be defined for drop down actions (now only sc_
(16px) icons were used) e.g. color icons
- for drop down icons labels aren't possible for now
- shrink (and expand) toolbar depend on the windows wide

that's are the biggest issues from my review.


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