Hi Heiko,

are the texts the same for all modules? The problem is, that the modules handle the clipboard content different. For example:
Calc8, in case source is a cell range
target Calc: simple copy of the content, same as Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V
target Writer/Draw/Impress: Generate Calc OLE-object

DDE link, in case source is a cell range
target Calc: generate a matrix formula, if target is in the same spreadsheet and matrix formula with simple referece ='file:///...', if target is in a different spreadsheet
target Writer: true DDE connection for Windows, for Linux ?

Heiko Tietze schrieb am 05.04.2018 um 15:22:
Hi all,

based on the request at tdf#89453 I made a patch for the formats in the paste 
special dialog. And since this text is on a very prominent position, I'd like 
to get more agreement.

The new text should follow the convention <descriptive text> followed by the <short name> 
in parenthesis. For example, "Rich Text Format (RTF)" is slightly better than before with 
brackets but still not too informative for ordinary users.

The most important changes as follows with Old -> New + Comments

* Unformatted text -> Plain text (Unformatted)
OK, but I do not get why 'Unformatted text' is not clear enough

* Bitmap -> Compatibility-optimized image (Bitmap)
The important part is, that it is a raster image.
"Compatibility-optimized" says nothing. But I think, the option should be removed totally or in case it is the only one, named PNG Bitmap or similar, because it is not inserted as plain Bitmap, but always as png.

* Drawing format -> %PRODUCTNAME drawing format
Why include Productname? Important is, that it is the same format as used in module Draw.

* DDE link -> Reference only (DDE link)
See above.

* DIF -> Text with standardized formats (DIF)
It is a text encoded spreadsheet, so "text" alone does not reflect the use case, and it will not be inserted as text. You can use the full name 'Data Interchange Format' and the user needs to look it up, in case he doesn't know DIF. Or 'value only', because in contrast to "unformatted text" it does not open the import dialog, and in contrast to RTF or HTML it does not carry formatting.

* GDI metafile -> Screen optimized image (GDI)
  + Samuel: needs perhaps also a dash after "screen"
  + Cor: misleading, it's a vector format, designed for Windows, Windows EMF, 
that allows for using
    the Windows GDI, Graphical Device Interface?
  + Heiko: maybe "Windows vector format (GDI metafile)"
Important is, that it is a vector format. But we should be cautious about GDI or Windows. If you paste a cell range as 'GDI' you get our own, propriety svm-format. So I would remove GDI. Suggestion: -> vector format

* Formatted text [RTF] -> Rich text formatting (RTF)
* Formatted text [Richtext] -> Rich text formatting (Richtext)

  + Samuel: original is good enough (for both)
  + Heiko: common but not according the convention
Remove the second item. I see no difference in the result. And in addition in Calc I get the error "The content of the clipboard could not be pasted.", if I paste a cell range using that option.

* HTML (HyperText Markup Language) -> Web formatting (HTML)
  + Samuel: I would just call this HTML, that's a common term
  + Heiko: common but not according the convention
* HTML format -> Simple web formatting (HTML)
  + Samuel: What exactly does this do in comparison to the HTML above?
  + Heiko: no idea, the internal format is SIMPLE_HTML (and it's not shown in 
the usual list)
"Web" does not describe the essentials. HTML keeps structure and formatting as far as possible. Copy&paste a cell range gives a formatted table, for example. I would remove the second item, I see no difference.

* PNG Bitmap -> Cross-platform optimized image (PNG)
  + Samuel: This sounds weird. Maybe "Image (PNG)"?
  + Heiko: the cross-platform thing might be interesting relation to Bitmap
"Image" as only term is not specific enough because that covers also svg-graphics. Important is, that it is a raster graphic. In regard to "bitmap" see above. Suggestion -> Raster image (PNG).

* calc8" -> "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Spreadsheet (calc8)"
  + Heiko: same for impress8 and draw8; calc6 adjusted too
  + Adolfo: never heard of “calc6” and “calc8”. What do they mean? Could these 
terms be better?
I have in clipboard format "Star Embed Source (XML)" alternatively in the list of paste-able formats. Is it used for ODF from unknown producer? Or if I copy from Excel, I get e.g. "Biff8(Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003)" and "Biff5 (Microsoft Excel 5.0/95)" and "Microsoft Excel Worksheet". Excel puts formats of various versions into clipboard. Wouldn't it be better to write the type, here 'Spreadsheet', at first and put the entire format information into the brackets?

What I really miss is the information, whether the content is pasted as embedded OLE or put as direct content. For example "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" gives an embedded OLE (Calc!) and with "Biff5" and "Biff8" the values are inserted into the single cells directly.

More details at the patch https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/52336/ and the 
ticket https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=89453 (including 
screenshots how it may look).

The final decision to push the patch should be made in the design meeting next 

Kind regards

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