On 25/04/2018 15:37, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:

> How exactly is this confusing? We already denote the ISO-standardized
> version of OOXML with the “Strict” moniker, don’t we?

Unfortunately, the "Strict" version does not exist in reality, but only
on paper. Microsoft Office 2016 writes only one flavour of OOXML, which
is Transitional (i.e. non standard), and adds the "Strict" XML string
when you Save As ... OOXML Strict with Microsoft Office (which is
definitely not enough to make it "Strict").

The only difference is in Excel files, as dates are saved as dates (and
not as progressive numbers since January 1st, 1900), but also this is
not enough to make it "Strict".

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