After reading through the comments on the other thread I'd like to outline a scenario: We do provide access to Firefox Personas (Tools > Options > Personalization) (being reworked currently) where the user can place an image in the background of the toolbar/notebookbar. Those themes are a great success with gazillions of contributions. It's a bit embarrasing that we have to access data from another project and could host those images ourself.

As a user you probably don't know about this option to extend the program. So we should give access to it from the place where it is listed. You want to browse, sort and filter by different kind of attributes, mark favorites, load.

As creator of, let's say the pink theme for best integration into the dreamland desktop, you have no idea about sharing data, meaning the upload must be easy. There are a couple of settings needed such as license where a wizard like guidance makes sense. But in the end as less info as possible to make the upload a breeze.

Some "cornercases" (actually secondary requirements) have to be considered. Our current platform requires maintainers to state the compatibility with every new release (which is again a very code oriented view). And maintainer likely don't want to be in charge forever. My take here is to switch to a community based approach and flag non-working extensions as outdated/orphaned. Communication between creator/maintainer and user is essential in open source. Maybe the dreamland has some unicorns that should be added.

Hope all this becomes clear with the shared document and the mockups.

Am 13-Oct-18 um 10:14 schrieb Bjoern Michaelsen:

Hi Heiko,

On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 09:52:01AM +0200, Heiko Tietze wrote:
Based on these insights we created a new document for a new hosting platform.
The document is shared on and open for
Thanks for sharing that.

That looks indeed like a very promising approach to finding the core 
that is needed.



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