Hi Never,

On 09/12/2020 23:05, nevergames...@t-online.de wrote:
> I'm fairly new to LibreOffice so I hope I'm sending this to the right 
> place!

You are indeed! Welcome to the community :-)

> I'll attatch the .ico to this mail so you can have a look at it. I found it 
> here:
> <http://www.icons101.com/icon/id_77230/setid_2631/Simple_Dock_Apps_Icons_by_Turhothgor/LibreOffice>

Attachments aren't allowed on these mailing lists, but thanks for
sharing the link. Note that we have guidelines and best practices for
logos here:


So putting things inside the document symbol is generally frowned upon.
Also, and this is just my personal taste: the icon you shared is perhaps
more interesting than the plain white document, but on a small
taskbar/dock, I think the "The Document Foundation" text would be too
hard to read.

But that's just my take -- what do others think?


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