
On 09.07.21 14:10, free-...@tuta.io wrote:
> Dear Libreoffice:I am a senior high school student in Shanghai,China.I am 
> very interested in the Libreoffice.I need to write a paper. This will give me 
> a chance to advertise the Libreoffice at my school's Hall.

Mike here from The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind
LibreOffice. That's great! We have a flyer specifically for schools and


Currently we don't have a Chinese translation, but if you'd like to
contribute one, we could then get some flyers printed. And now to your

> (1)Do you know there are how many users using the Libreoffice?

We estimate around 200 million users, based on downloads, market share
and other statistics/factors.

> (2)How is the developing situation of Libreoffice?Are you lack of labour or 
> money?

LibreOffice is developed by a worldwide community. Many features are
implemented by volunteers, and the localisation and documentation
projects especially have lots of volunteers.

A large portion of code commits is from certified developers and
companies in the LibreOffice ecosystem:



The community is healthy and lots is going on, but we certainly
appreciate more contributions from volunteers!

> (3)Do you think the Libreoffice will be better than the commercial software 
> like Microsoft Office?

Well, maybe I'm biased, but I think it's already better in many ways.
You can see a detailed comparison here:

> (4)What do you think is the biggest advantage of Libreoffice?

It's free and open source software, available on many platforms, and
supports a huge range of file formats:


> (5)Can you earn profits?If you can,how do you get the profit?

The Document Foundation is a non-profit entity, and most of its income
comes from donations by individual users. You can find details about
where the money goes in the ledgers:


> (6)Are you trying new ways about advertising or developing?

For advertising, specifically marketing, we are trying to tell the world
that LibreOffice is more than just an office suite -- it's a community
with many projects, and a place to build up skills and meet new people.
Having 200 million users is nice, but it's also important to have a
strong community behind the software, to ensure it has a healthy future.

Re: developing, from the side of The Document Foundation, we have a new
Developer Community Architect who's helping to bring on board more code


Then there is the ecosystem of companies that I mentioned before, that
contribute many new features. You can see the company names in brackets
next to the features here:


We're implementing an updated Marketing Plan to better credit the work
of these ecosystem members, and encourage enterprise users of
LibreOffice to get the software from them. This benefits all users, as
the features that are added by the ecosystem make their way into the
codebase too.

I hope that helps!

Mike Saunders
Marketing & Community Coordinator, The Document Foundation

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