On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Jonathan Roberts <robertsthebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Stephen. This is extremely helpful. How do I access a site map so I don't have to keep asking these kinds of questions? The only way I know to find these pages right now is to stumble through a chain of clickable terms starting at the home page till I get to the relevant page.

It's not everything, but the wiki directory covers a lot:
On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Stephen Michel <stephen.mic...@tufts.edu> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Jonathan Roberts <robertsthebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Mray, I hear your concern; you don't want people to be "tricked" into buying into this system or to do it because it's a fun gimmick. However, I don't think this representation crosses that line. I think it is a blunt presentation of why this system is so effective. Yes, some people will feel things about it that aren't as idealistic as we want people to feel. So it goes.

https://snowdrift.coop/p/snowdrift/w/en/limits is super helpful and contains really well thought out possibilities

Again...I know this is a new question and maybe it deserves a new thread, but is there any discussion about paying for a high volume of transfers of very small amounts of money?


On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 12:43 PM, mray <m...@mray.de> wrote:

On 18.10.2015 21:18, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 10/18/2015 12:09 PM, mray wrote:
>> On 18.10.2015 09:47, Jacob Chapman wrote:
>>> https://img.bi/#/RCmUlLW!XJcF_0gW1TKIEhMR59pFJQwpVPv_6YwlrJSRHI8n
>>> We really need to emphasize the matching aspect of pledges to encourage
>>> patrons to pledge.
>> The problem with the match factor is that it is always the same, so >> there is no real benefit in constantly reminding a user what it is. >> It also is just an invitation to start calculating in the head - which
>> I'd like to avoid at all costs.
> To be clear: despite your wishes for simplicity, we have not come to a > consensus about the idea of removing the ability to pledge lower or > higher levels. I recognize that the complexity of people pledging at > levels above the minimum is an issue, but I still feel that there are a > wide range of levels of wealth and it just does *not* make sense to > ignore that and force everyone to only have a single pledge level. All > other patronage models that people will compare to have different levels
> of donation for wealthier or less wealthy patrons.
> If we accept, as I still feel we should, that the pledge is X per patron > rather than everyone at the identical minimum pledge, then the amount of > matching *isn't* absolutely fixed. Wealthier pledges mean more matching
> for new patrons.

My point is that even with a changing match factor your interaction
remains binary: either you pledge (your amount X) or you don't.

>>   We should not make people calculate.
>> They should see what is happening and what the results of their possible >> action would be, and formulas don't really lend themselves neither to
>> emphasize nor to encourage (at least the vast majority).
> I agree that we should have no formulas and calculation factors. We > should just show that you pledging means $Y more for the project and > costs you $X. In other words, it's a *big* deal to actually learn that > at this lower cost, you are effectively getting this *specific* higher
> amount of funds to the project.

I don't see a particular benefit from this. there is just not enough variation. The information starts being relevant only in cases where people substantially diverge from the average. For everybody else it will always turn out to be: What you give gets doubled by the community.

> We want people to think is "I get the project $15 more dollars, and I > only had to chip in $6! Thanks everyone, all you 2,470 others! I'm so
> glad we're all working together to support this!"

I don't think we want that at all. This makes it sound as if this is a big bragain. This fallacious good feeling is entirely based on the naive
idea that you will never be asked to give more yourself - maybe way
beyond $15 dollar.
We should never even play with the idea to appear as if there are some interesting bargains! At the contrary: we need to make clear that people should feel great to be able to pay more for their project since it is guaranteed to be part of a true difference, rather than a nice gesture.

> None of that includes doing calculations, it's merely: "I'm chipping in, > others are chipping in *because* they're happy I'm included, and all of
> us together are helping."

I totally agree on this notion.

>> I do share your concern that the current illustration isn't good enough. >> Displaying each donor via an icon does not clarify each one matches the
>> other.
>> I'm going to try alternatives.
>>> Also I suggest we use /mo rather than /mth.
>> Ok. It didn't occur to me that there was an inconsistency.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jacob
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