On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 12:25:56AM +0200, Robert Martinez (mray)
> On 01.09.2016 16:38, Michael Siepmann wrote:
> >  
> > On 08/31/2016 11:48 PM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> >>
> >> I agree with mray that we need a simple, clear, unambiguous
> >> description of payment history, and I agree with Msiep that such
> >> information is not sufficient for selling Snowdrift to the world
> >> at large — and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
> > 
> > Sounds good to me.
> Sounds good to me, too. I'm just somewhat confused what this means
> in terms of a decision. If MVP is a vague term - what exactly needs
> mockups *now*?

Let's brainstorm some possible user stories that we want to make
available. Once we decide on a good batch, we can add them to Taiga to
track progress. I'll create a draft here. Let's just keep it in emails
until we feel like we have good ones. I am frustrated with dumping
things in Taiga first, where they become much harder to quickly modify
and iterate on than plain old text! So here are some pages and


- Dashboard Page: control your pledges
- Stripe.js Page: add or modify payment info
- Project Page [Snowdrift]: learn about a project and its patrons
- Payment History Page: see where your money went


  (this page is only available to logged-in users)

  - A user has just finished verifying their account and is taken to
    the Dashboard. They don't have any payment info registered yet,
    and the page should make that clear.

  - A user wants to add their payment info. From the Dashboard there
    is a link to the Stripe.js Page. The link provides sufficient
    explanation that the Stripe.js Page uses proprietary Javascript
    whose use is governed by Stripe's ToS.

  - A user wants to modify or delete their payment info. (Very similar
    to "add their payment info"; maybe just treat the same?)

  - A user HAS submitted their payment info and wants to pledge to
    Snowdrift from the Dashboard. They have adequate funds and all
    that. They click a button and are immediately added to the crowd.
    The page reloads and shows their new status and new statistics.

  - A patron goes to the Dashboard to see the current state of their

  - A patron wants to leave a project's crowd. The Dashboard shows
    them they can click on the project to be taken to the Project
    Page, where those controls exist.

  - A user has verified payment info recorded in the system. On the
    Dashboard there is an friendly indicator that reminds them they
    are a viable patron.


  (this page is only available to logged-in users)

  - A user has no payment info recorded. There is a form on the
    Stripe.js Page where they can put in their credit card info. They
    put in valid info, it is sent directly to Stripe, and they are
    redirected to the Dashboard with a happy alert.

  - A user wants to delete or modify their existing payment info. The
    Stripe.js Page provides controls to do so.


  - A site visitor (not logged in) follows a link to the Project Page
    in order to satisfy their curiosity about the sorts of projects
    that are supported on the Snowdrift Platform. They can see
    information about the project, a sales pitch for why the project
    deserves support, and crowdmatching numbers that highlight how the
    visitor's own potential pledge would effect the mechanism.

  - A user (logged in, verified payment info, unpledged) follows a
    link to the Project Page, for all the reasons listed above. As a
    potential patron, however, they can choose to join the crowd by
    clicking a button. The page reloads with updated numbers.

  - ...


Ok that's already a lot, enough for now. I'll leave the history pages
(and the rest of the Project Page) for later. I think the "take my
money" milestone potentially only needs the first two pages.

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