LimCore  wrote on 2010-02-09:
"This is crazy, this bug has 45 people that take time to go to LP and click 
it has a dozen of duplicates,
it is one of most reported bug I seen, and yet it is just Wishlist priority?!

Ubuntu fails to provide most basic functionality expected from a desktop
since windows 3.11...

For 5 years now! Wow."

Yes, it really is an epic fail. :D Those developers really don't get it.

Endolith  wrote on 2010-02-09:
"Isn't it trivially fixable by installing one of the workarounds by default?"

No, it isn't. How many times do I have to say it isn't? Those
applications are NOT a fix. They're a workaround which somtimes works.
Those applications also cause a lot of problems. I've tested all of them
and there's none which really works. It just needs to be fixed in X, so
there's a system wide clipboard which works for EVERY APPLICATION in
CONTENT (like text, images, sound, a part of a video). Not like this
will ever happen, because developers are as cocky and stubborn as can
be, so don't a working clipboard in Linux in the upcoming 15 years.

You want an operating system which has a clipboard (one of the most
basic features of an operating system)? Then just don't use Linux,
because Linux doesn't have a working clipboard. We all know a working
clipboard is something every operating system has to support. Every
serious operating system in the world has one since it's first release,
because a clipboard is so important. Everyone knows it's completely
ridiculous to release an operating system without a working clipboard. I
think developers of Linux don't cosider Linux a serious operating
system, because after all those years it still doesn't work in Linux.

Look at this screenshot:
That's Mac OS as it was released in 1984. Let me repeat that: NINETEEN EIGHTY 
FOUR!!! What do you see? Do you see the "Clipboard File"? Now it's 2010. Yes, 
it's TWO THOUSAND AND TEN!!! That's TWENTY SIX years later and Linux still 
doesn't have a clipboard which works.

Really, what an epic fail! Developers, what's your goal? You want Linux
to be only used in CLI mode on servers or do you want Linux to also be
used on desktops? If you want Linux to be not only used in CLI mode,
then create something usefull, instead of this kind of amateuristic
piece of... [insert some word or words you like to use when swearing].

Bartolomeo Nicolotti  wrote on 2010-02-10:
"Could someone tell us when this bug will be fixed?"

What do you think of the answer: "Never" of "Certainly not before 2025"?
In all those years Linux've never had a working clipboard, so don't
think there'll a working clipboard in the near future.

Jackflap  wrote on 2010-02-10:
"Well it's simple, in the same way that the cost of you learning how to 
program, studying the spec and implementing a fix isn't worth your time (or 
money), then for exactly the same reason no other dev has done it either.

Until someone has the necessary experience, time, or motivation to fix
this, it will just sit waiting. The occasional reminder on the bug
report is fine, but please, the best thing you can do is start learning
to code and maybe a few years down the line you'll be able to write the
patch yourself if it's so important to you."

There we go again. Why do users of Linux always have to do everything on
their own. We are users, no developers. If they develop something, then
do the job right and if you didn't do the job right, then fix it! Don't
develop something and then tell your users you don't have the motivation
to fix it and tell them: "Just fix it yourself."

That's the main reason why Linux sucks. No commercial developer would
ever come away with such kind of attitude. I've stopped using Linux,
only because of this. There are so many bugs which still aren't fixed,
even though they exist for years. What's the progress of these bugs?
Zero! Really, in all those years there hasn't been any progress at all
and the only replies you get are: "Fix it yourself!" What did I do? I
sold my PC's and laptop and bought iMacs and a MacBook. Now everything
just works. Apple is a commercial company. They can't afford such kind
of attitude, because they'll loose customers. Why do you think Linux
never gets more than 1% market share? Because Linux on the desktop is an
epic fail and if the developers don't change their attitude and start
fixing those old bugs, Linux will always be an epic fail on the desktop!

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