
> Further, the objections mentioned all seem to apply equaly to python and 
> mono. Python is allowed for desktop apps already. If nobody can come up 
> with objections to mono that don't apply equally to python, it would seem 
> that mono and python should be on equal footing.

I don't think that is true; if that were true, any language that
satisfies the same basic requirements would be acceptable.  Clearly it
is not ideal at all to have five different runtimes side by side all
eating memory in their own way.

Python was the first language to reach enough maturity and ruffle the
least amount of feathers, and that is a point of differentiation with
any language that comes in later.

The important thing we wanted when Python got accepted was to have at
least one higher-level language to be available for use, and not have a
lot of them.

So in short, I don't think there is an equal footing, and if people
would want Mono in, it should replace Python, not sit side by side to


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