fre, 21 07 2006 kl. 17:57 -0500, skrev Shaun McCance:
> On Sat, 2006-07-22 at 00:10 +0200, David Nielsen wrote:
> > lør, 22 07 2006 kl. 02:33 +1000, skrev Jeff Waugh:
> > >  * If Alex wants to adopt the GNOME release cycle and strategy for Tomboy,
> > >    that's *fantastic*... but we can approach that differently.
> > 
> > Tomboy being largely feature complete and stable would need mostly
> > maintenance, this is up to Alex to sign on for though - Ekiga e.g.
> > doesn't follow the GNOME cycle religiously either so long as it works
> > with the desktop we ship and doesn't fall into an unmaintained state
> > Tomboy should be fine.
> > 
> > Following the cycle is mostly about:
> > * deploying bugfixes
> > * adopting platform changes
> > * adding required features  
> > 
> > And being sure that users actually get this supportable version of your
> > software in hand. 
>  * letting translators translate, unless the developers
>    want to translate their program into 45 languages.
>  * letting documentation writers write documentation,
>    unless the developers want to do it.
> There are *many* advantages to a stable release cycle, and
> a number of those reasons have to do with the fact that the
> programmers are not the only people producing what we ship.

I feel ashamed now.. How could I forget translations when I'm on the
Danish team - my bad.

I'll go sit in a corner now

- David

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