On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 14:48 +1200, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> On Jul 25, 2006, at 11:41 AM, Bill Haneman wrote:
> > ...
> > I seem to recall that there was a reason why we didn't use 'startup
> > programs' before.  Can't remember what it was... but I seem to 
> > remember looking at and rejecting that before.  Maybe because we 
> > wanted the ATs to launch first?  Or is there a problem with the 
> > 'startup programs' API/interface itself?
> > ...
> It might be that the accessibility settings window, because it is 
> rarely used, could have at least some accessibility options (large 
> text, spoken controls, etc) turned on all the time, to be more 
> accessible to people who are trying to turn them on. It would be 
> annoying if the Startup Programs window did that.

The objection I would raise is that our preferences menu
is crowded, and dealing with startup programs involves
going to the cryptic 'Sessions' preferences.

If one thinks in terms of tasks users want to perform,
then I think the selection of the accessibility tools
belongs in the accessibility tools dialog.  Why force
the user off to another dialog with information that
isn't relevant to what they need to do?

If we don't want to shoehorn all the ATs into three
categories, maybe we could just have a list box with
all the ATs in it, and users could check the ones
they want to launch.

I don't pretend to know what the best solution here
is.  I'm just tossing around ideas, because I want
this to happen, and I wasn't seeing anybody else
talking about it.


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