<quote who="Jeff Waugh">

> Here's my point of view, completely independent from the fact that Tomboy
> is built with Gtk#/Mono. Here it is in point form, because I seem to be
> doing pretty well with it:

I haven't really heard much of a critical response to these ideas, just more
"ber, Desktop, Desktop, Desktop, get it all in Desktop" stuff. Why does it
need to be in Desktop? Why do we have to jam everything in Desktop? Can we
ship it in Powertools (a suite that has been proposed a couple of times)...?

I think this is a really good time to have this discussion.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
     "It doesn't matter if it is good, it only matters if it rocks." -
                        Tenacious D, Rock Your Socks
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