On 4/11/07, Federico Mena Quintero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could this happen:
> 1. bug-buddy tells bugzilla which distro/version you are using, and the
> package version/revision.
> 2. bugzilla tells bug-buddy "I know this has been fixed in
> version'/revision' for that distro"
> 3. bug-buddy tells you, "This bug is already fixed in your distro.
> Please update to package-version'-revision'".

Hmm, I guess the references to the auto-rejection capability in
bugzilla by Andrew and I earlier in this thread weren't clear enough.
So, to give a bit more detail:

I don't think there's any facility for transmitting the distro and
using it in checks (at least not yet), but bug-buddy can tell bugzilla
the stack trace, product, product version, and GNOME version.
Bugzilla can then check it against a manually created list, and if a
match is found bugzilla can ignore the report other than manually
incrementing some counter and telling bug-buddy to give the user a
specific message such as:

  "Thank you for reporting this bug. This issue has been already
fixed. The fix is available in
  Nautilus 2.16.2 and GNOME 2.16.2.  If you are running the latest
version provided by your
  distributor, please ask your distributor for an updated package that
includes this fix."

In fact, this has done this over 1500 times for bug 355216 (with the
above message plus a link to bug 355216).  As for my earlier reference
to bug 94625, no one has bothered entering the stack trace for bug
94625 -- probably because the number of duplicates it has received
since the auto-rejection mechanism was put into place hasn't been all
that much.

In other words, yes, what you ask can be done and _is_ being done.
But to avoid false-positives, we require human intervention (and only
a few people have the appropriate privileges) involving manual entry
of data that should uniquely match the given bug.  If you have such a
bug you'd like put on the auto-rejection list, contact the bugsquad
with the information about the bug and a specifically tailored message
you want bug-buddy to show the user.

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