>> Don't understimate this kind of stuff.
> I do understand that people like theming but I also believe theming a
> login screen leads to bad results. We should permit people to do so
> but it's not a stopper for me.

And it is not a stopper for me, either. _However_, it is essential for
someone to pick up where gdmsetup left and start to code. Sure,
gdmsetup was old and somehow obsolete, but it was working. So we need
something which works for most needed functions, at least, as soon as

I would like to do that, but I don't have enough expierence to do this
effectively on short notice. Of course, if no one picks it up in two
weeks, I propably would be lured into doing this using pygtk.

> I think if we ship gdm 2.24, a working themeable greeter
> implementation and a configuration GUI will popup in the Ubuntu forums
> during the first month.

This is very speculative. Ubuntu still lacks lot of needed
configuration apps, and why only this distro matters?

> It's like telling people we can't ship an audio player because it does
> not handle GUI skins yet. Most of us want a working tool in the first
> place, customizable GUI is just an eye-candy gimmick :)

Problem is that users tolerate gdm only because it can be made to look
cool. So in that light theming feature gets a "must have" status.

In overall, someone must do it, release it or not to release it with
GNOME. Question is - who will do it.

> --
> Patryk Zawadzki

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