> But even if he is too busy to propose the module himself, I think it
> is time for us to be honest about the fact that it is pretty much
> impossible to use the desktop without notification-daemon nowadays.
I can only second that.

Some while ago, I offered g-s-d to use notification for all kind of
error that might happen (well, under normal circumstances g-s-d is
100% silent, but you know that far-from-perfect world...). But it
could not be done without blessed dependency. g-s-d is complex enough
to be completely bug-free - but usually in case of g-s-d misbehaves it
is not easy to find out what exactly happened - partially, because we
do not have desktop-wide logging facilities. At least, using libnotify
could improve things a bit (keeping g-s-d independent from X at the
same time).


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