Jason D. Clinton wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Olav Vitters <o...@bkor.dhs.org> wrote:
>> That isn't a contest. It is a survey.
> Please don't read more in to my email than I intended. There's no need
> to get defensive.
>>> <http://www.gnome.org/~shaunm/survey/first-picks-permutations.png> It
>>> seems to me that a lot of brain power, sysadmin time, and general
>> I am a sysadmin and disagree with your notion that sysadmin time is
>> somehow saved. I'd rather asses such things myself. Further, sysadmin
>> time is not so important.
> Thank you for voicing your opinion.
>>> just all move on?
>> Further, your explanation is incomplete. As you said, the graph is about
>> people knowing two DVCS systems. I wouldn't say I knew 2. Those 6 are
>> incomplete.
> I highlighted this statistical analysis because those 6 contain the
> subset of  4 vocal users demanding that we /also/ support bzr.
>> Now before you reply: we have a clear need for git to work (ranked 1st
>> 50% of the time, etc). But if you say "move on", how do you think a
>> switch is made? Magic?
> Please don't be patronizing. I'm not an idiot.
>> Anyway, I'd rather add John Carr to the sysadmin team. I plan to make a
>> proposal to switch GNOME to a DVCS where Git works using Johns
>> suggestion. Then other sysadmins[1] can suggest whatever proposal they
>> want. These proposals can be investigated on merit and then a one can be
>> chosen (chosen as in: "go ahead and try if this would work", not "go
>> ahead blindly"; everything must be tested before a cutover).
> John's idea is a good one but it patently loses on technical merit. As
> stated by John here, git will only be support in a degraded,
> bastardized form because he chose bzr as the repository format:
> http://blogs.gnome.org/johncarr/2008/12/11/dvcs-for-gnome/#comment-172
> Are we really going to go back to the days of CVS where file moves
> aren't supported?
> It strikes me that this very vocal minority--John and Robert Carr,
> Karl Lattimer and Rob Taylor (whom are four of the six people I
> mentioned above)--are potentially delaying even longer what we've
> wanted for more than two years, now. It is from these same people that
> came the suggestion that git users were a rapid, vocal minority. Why
> are we letting them derail this process?

I have to say, that's the first time I've ever been called vocal! I
think you over estimate a) how much I've said on the issue and b) how
much I care.

Have a nice day,

> Moving will not be easy, obviously. But doing it John's way will be,
> in my technical analysis, an order of magnitude more painful.
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