Ali Sabil a écrit :
That's not what John's proposal is about ! John wants to use the bzr format
as a repository format, and add a git-serve plugin to bzr to be able to
"talk" to the git clients. In other words, you will be able to access the
same data using either bzr, git or hg.

Well, if people say "git" and your answer is "bzr with a git frontend", then why don't we stick with svn on the server and let people use git-svn if they please ?

When I want to ride my bike, I don't install a new pedal system on my car : I just use my bike!


PS: notice that my last comment in the survey was already something like this : if switching is too costly or people can't agree on what to switch to, then let's keep svn and let people use git-svn, hg-svn, bzr-svn, etc-svn.
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