On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Alberto Ruiz <ar...@gnome.org> wrote:
> 2009/1/6 Robert Carr <ca...@rpi.edu>:
> Hats off for you both guys on working together to achieve compatibility.
> Another issue that might be worth taking into account is that you
> should be consistent on how you document the bindings (tutorials,
> examples, faqs) as this is how people would end up writing most of the
> code. This could be a way to avoid incompatible code out there.
> --
> Un saludo,
> Alberto Ruiz
> _______________________________________________

This is something I don't want to commit to in full, Seed has a large
amount of examples and documentation (compared to almost nothing for
gjs), and the documentation/examples make use of features which are
not in gjs (some which are pretty core to the way Seed programs are
written), and I'm not willing to remove features from the Seed
documentation/examples simply because gjs does not support them. A lot
of work has been put in to documenting Seed (Tim Horton has driven a
lot of this), and I don't want to toss it.

However, I'm planning something like Valadoc, which would document the
way the bindings map, and this could be used between GJS/Seed (as
hopefully the bindings will map the same way), and once we decide on a
common C API, I will of course document/provide examples for that.

Additionally I would probably want to make some sort of "extending
GNOME applications with JavaScript" tutorial that covered the C API/JS
bindings, and I would be willing to limit this to the common parts.

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