
> Clutter is still hosted on a separate server because the Clutter Project
> wants to be an umbrella for a set of projects, like language bindings,
> toolkits, and applications that may or may not be related to the GNOME
> Project. we're fairly liberal with giving people access to the
> repository, and we have infrastructure in place for user repositories
> for contributors. the Bugzilla instance is still in place because
> Clutter is used in non-GNOME projects that might need restricted access.

I want to raise the point again, that the separate git server is painful
for translators which is the main reason that I dislike it. (see
http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2010-July/msg00075.html and
follow ups)

Basically the point is that if we allow core modules to be hosted
elsewhere we can shut down the GNOME Translation Project as it exists now
completely because our whole quality work with coordinators and reviewers
will become obsolete. GNOME has a very long and good tradition of
high-level and consistent translations which would get lost.

The point is not that important for clutter which probably doesn't contain
many user visible strings but if we they yes here it will be difficult to
say no with other modules.

Needless to say that I of course in general like the idea of having
clutter as a core module.


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