On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 10:25 +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:

> >> > I want to raise the point again, that the separate git server is
> >> painful
> >> > for translators which is the main reason that I dislike it. (see
> >> > http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2010-July/msg00075.html and
> >> > follow ups)

> >> I agree with Johannes, especially about the quality. As an easy fix
> >> for this, couldn't we just keep the translations in a git.gnome.org
> >> module? It would not allow us to run intltool-udpate and all that, but
> >> that would probably be ok as long and the maintainers would fetch new
> >> translations and update translation files with new strings regularly.
> >
> > Oh, so here we go again. Thanks for raising this issue, guys. I'm, too,
> > convinced that it's important for the future of the GTP and GNOME
> > translation teams to decide what should we require from core GNOME modules
> > (or however we label/define it).

> Moving this discussion back to desktop-devel-list where it should have
> stayed with a CC'd gnome-i18n.

thanks for the feedback.

I'm not even going to try and convince the i18n teams - mostly because I
agree: the GNOME i18n teams should be using a single infrastructure and
not 20 different ones.

now, how do we go from here to there is probably worth discussing. I
cannot move Clutter to gnome.org; it's simply unfeasible for various
reasons, one of which is that the Clutter Project is not just used by
GNOME. this is similar to GStreamer, or Cairo, which are hosted on

another thing to consider is that translating Clutter is probably never
going to be a priority: the messages are mostly going to be errors;
there are no widgets, complex or otherwise composed by user-facing text;
and the only other translatable, user-facing strings are property nicks
and blurbs that can only be visible if a UI builder tool is
introspecting them to create a UI.

currently, Clutter uses Transifex in a fairly passive way: I get emails
for new PO files, I copy them into the repo and commit them. I checked
if Transifex has a way to handle custom repositories, so that I could
allow direct commit access to a branch, and then periodically merge the
branch back into master; it doesn't seem to be possible without getting
the Transifex admins to handle custom repositories - and, honestly,
right now the burden is not at all high.

I'm pretty sure the GNOME infrastructure could do the same thing: get
the POT file from git.clutter-project.org (it's generated by gettext and
stored in the repository anyway); send me an email with the PO file once
the coordinator has reviewed the contribution. I could even allow commit
access to a branch, or a user repository that I can pull from.

alternatively, GNOME could have a private Clutter core repository for
i18n purposes alone - after all, we're using Git.


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