On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Vamsi Krishna Brahmajosyula <
vamsikrishna.brahmajosy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am sorry for the late proposal, but I feel its important to put forward
> my views on extension management.
> This is regarding the extension system.  A 'main' method to be called when
> the extension is loaded is a simple way to inject
> code to the existing shell. What about un-doing certain changes with out
> having to reload the shell? If the developer of the extension
> knows say ,how to add a button to the panel. He/she will definitely know
> how to revert it back.
> What I am proposing is to add an additional method say "unload" in the
> structure of extension.js (optional only). If the method is
> found, the extension is eligible to unload dynamically with out "Alt+f2 <
> "r"" . The extensions listed in looking glass can now have additional method
> of load/unload based on whether the extension comes with one. I am not sure
> if this is planned already.
> It is just one step forward for having a central extension manager. It may
> not happen now but It would be good to have one.
>         extensionModule.main(meta); is for loading the extension
> sorry I have hit the send button too soon

  extensionModule.unload(meta); is for unloading the extension

please send your opinions.

> thanks
> --
> vamsi
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Giovanni Campagna <
> scampa.giova...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is the last day for feature proposals, but unfortunately I've been
>> very busy lately and didn't have time to write it down formally. And
>> actually, mine is more a question than a proposal: what are planning to
>> do with additional functionality that is provided as plugins?
>> I believe there are two specific questions we need to answer on this
>> topic. The first one is technical, and related to distribution of code.
>> Some of Core modules have related external modules that provide
>> extensions, like eog-plugins, gedit-plugins, epiphany-extensions,
>> gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-applets.
>> First of all, should those modules be provided as tarballs? Last time I
>> asked this for gnome-shell-extensions, I was answered no, because
>> distributions should not provided packages of those. Nevertheless, all
>> them appear packaged in most common distros, which makes that point
>> moot, and actually increases the work required by packagers. Plus having
>> git be the primary way to distribute code makes it difficult to mark
>> buildable/usable release (both for distro packages and for manual
>> building), resulting for example in people using g-s-extensions master
>> with released (incompatible) gnome-shell.
>> More on that: should those modules be part of the Core as well? On the
>> one hand, they provide functionality that is additional to Core, and
>> often against accepted design. On the other hand, they're often
>> packaged, installed and used together with core modules, as well as
>> having the same developers/maintainers.
>> A different issue is then UI. Some time ago it was proposed to introduce
>> addons.gnome.org, skip the (rpm/deb) packaging completely and just
>> instruct users to go, download the plugin and install it.
>> This has the problem that the plugin must be in an installable format
>> (xpi?), not just a random python/js file to drop in .local/share (or
>> even worse, an autotools tarball).
>> I think we can solve this in the same way we're going to deal with Gnome
>> Apps, by leveraging and extending PackageKit (with native repo
>> metadata), meaning that users will be able to browse through extensions
>> in gpk-application (or an improved software center-like app) or in the
>> same UI they currently use for enabling/disabling them, and get them
>> installed automatically from the repository.
>> This would leave the problem of enabling third parties to provide
>> plugins, but I believe it has to be solved at the distro level, if they
>> want to have some kind of AppStore for unsupported externally-provided
>> (often non-free) desktop apps.
>> I'm looking forwards to see your opinions on these issues and I'm ready
>> to help with whatever work (at the UI/platform/releng level) is needed
>> to get a better plugin experience in GNOME 3.2
>> Giovanni
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