Le lundi 09 mai 2011 à 17:13 +0200, Florian Müllner a écrit :
> So I'd imagine something simple as a gzipped tarball with a custom
> extension (gsx == GNOME Shell extension?) which is distributed on
> addons.gnome.org - then we can have a dedicated app ("Desktop Extension
> Manager"?) registered as MIME handler to deal with
> installation/removal/disabling/... .
And upgrade. I think an important part is to allow people to get
up-to-date versions of their extensions at the same time as they update
their system packages. What should we do e.g. when people upgrade to
GNOME 3.2 and their extensions are no longer compatible with the API?

Ideally IMHO, new versions of extensions would be downloaded from
addons.gnome.org when the system packages are upgraded. But if they are
installed per-user, that has to be done per-user too, i.e. on first
login after upgrade... I kind of hate this idea: when all apps are doing
this, users are getting random dialogs about upgrades they don't
understand. Though I guess that's OK if there's a single extension
manager for GNOME (Shell, gedit, Epiphany...) - but don't forget Firefox
is also doing this, and other third-party apps might too.


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