On Mon, 16.05.11 13:23, Martin Pitt (martin.p...@ubuntu.com) wrote:

> Hello Lennart,
> Lennart Poettering [2011-05-16  1:06 +0200]:
> > Next question: can you point me to some sources? (or alternatively some
> > project name I could google for?) Would like to have a look on it,
> > before I spend time on this.
> [1] has the backend code plus polkit files.  But please NB that I
> wouldn't like to see this being perpetuated a lot longer.
> I'm not sure whether GNOME 3 already has a D-BUS backend for storing
> system-wide configurations, similar to the obsolete
> gconf-defaults-service. If so, it might make more sense to integrate
> it there instead of having a separate backend for this.

Well, I think the different "smaller" system settings we want to make
configurable, like the system locale, or the hostname or the timezone
probably all need a tiny bit of intelligence on the server side, in
order to ensure compat and provide change notification. So my approach
would be to provide carefully mini-sevices for these things which we
ship along systemd, which do PK and write sane config files like
/etc/hostname and friends, and have no further complex over-arching
infrastructure for that.

> In Ubuntu we already have a catch-all "ubuntu-system-service" package
> [2] which provides a backend for setting system-wide proxy and
> keyboard settings. These weren't accepted upstream back then, but
> perhaps with GNOME 3 we should make another attempt to get this
> functionality upstream and make it work for everyone else? If that's
> still not desired, then depending on the fate of the language
> selection bits the ls-dbus-backend bits might go into the upstream
> control-center D-BUS backend or ubuntu-system-service.

I think proxy control probably belongs into NM.

Keyboard stuff is complex. It's out of my focus for now. So I'll chicken
out from it for now. On Fedora we have a service which always keeps
console and X11 kbd settings in sync. I think this is needlessly complex
though, and we could simplify this. Just not sure how precisely.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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