On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 11:00:31AM +0300, Felipe Contreras wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 12:16:54AM +0300, Felipe Contreras wrote:
>> >> On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 11:14 PM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:
>> >> > On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 07:11:34PM +0300, Felipe Contreras wrote:
>> >> >> It would be great if some sort of notification would popup directly on
>> >> >> user's desktops, this way it can ensured that the maximum amount of
>> >> >> people are notified. Otherwise, I think planet GNOME, reddit, twitter,
>> >> >
>> >> > That's impossible.
>> >>
>> >> Everything is possible.
>> >>
>> >> >> Google+ and so on should give plenty of feedback. Maybe also contact
>> >> >> Ars Technica, LWN, Phornix, and so on would help.
>> >> >
>> >> > Those are only technical sites. I think the results are going to be
>> >> > biased whatever you do.
>> >>
>> >> How do you suggest to reach the end users if you already dismissed a
>> >> pop up directly from the desktop? If there isn't any way, at least
>> >> it's better than nothing.
>> >
>> > I didn't dismiss. I said it was impossible to popup a notification.
>> I already explained how it would be possible; you create a new package
>> that checks for notifications on a server. And this new packages is
>> added as a dependency on distro packages. Perfectly possible.
> I guess you're talking about popping up a notification in future GNOME
> versions? I was talking about existing desktops as various things in
> your initial email indicated you wanted to ask existing people (the
> GNOME version question + 2011 in the subject).
> Note: I didn't see that explanation. Please just copy/paste when it is
> clear I am not aware.

My idea was to have a GNOME notifications package, or something, that
would connect to a site, and then fetch any relevant notifications.
The notification in this case would be a link to the online
user-survey, and nothing else.

Of course, the user should have the option to disable such
notifications (perhaps even from the notification itself), but given
than they would probably happen only a few times per year, I don't
think there such a big hurry to have that option (if needed at all).

>> >> >> === 03. How do you describe the amount of configurations available? ===
>> >> >
>> >> > I don't see the relevance of asking this. Furthermore the question is
>> >> > suggestive. Seems more to prove a point than anything else.
>> >>
>> >> I do see the relevance, as I think it has been a big point of
>> >> contention raised by many users.
>> >
>> > Something should be done with a survey. No matter the outcome of this
>> > question, you won't be able to take these results and change things.
>> >
>> > Asking if people want more configuration options goes against why
>> > options are removed. Ideally everything should happen automatically.
>> >
>> > I'm only interested in the cases where it doesn't work.
>> I other words, you are saying that it doesn't matter if 100% of the
>> responders of this survey say GNOME has too few options, nothing would
>> be done? Is there *any* kind of evidence that would convince GNOME ppl
>> that users want more options? Or is it what the wishes of users are
>> completely irrelevant?
> That doesn't reflect what I said. As such, the statement that nothing
> would be done is not accurate. What I'd rather have is something like
>  "Does GNOME do everything what you want to do?"
> and then
>  "not at all", "somewhat", "mostly", "everything"
> then maybe a small textbox to indicate what it doesn't do... but that
> would have to be analyzed (summarized) again.

Yes, but if a significant percentage of the people answer "not at
all", or "somewhat", then the survey would be a bit wasted, since now
you have to wait another year to ask in more detail. You could also go
to the free text and try to make sense of it, but that would be too
much work to plot in any sensible way.

>> >> If you don't think it's very important, it could go to the end.
>> >> Besides, if the results are overwhelmingly pointing to "Too few"?
>> >> Don't you think it would be worth investigating? If the results end up
>> >> being "Just enough", then no harm done.
>> >
>> > The question is suggestive so the results will be biased. It is better
>> > to ask something like "does GNOME do what you want?" and then have a
>> > text field where they can specify what GNOME lacks.
>> Something like:
>> === . In your opinion, which areas in GNOME need improvement? ===
>> (matrix)
>>   Columns: don't need / a little / some / much
>>  + applications
>>  + usability
>>  + documentation
>>  + configuration
>>  + localization (translation)
> The question already suggests that GNOME needs improvement.

Are you kidding me? Nothing is perfect, everything needs improvement,
everyone knows that.

However, people do pick the option "don't care" and "don't need" in
Git's survey, if that's truly the case:

> I rather have non-suggestive questions.

The purpose of the question is not figure out if GNOME is perfect or
not. But to find out if the user could vote for what to improve in
GNOME, what would that be. IMO the worst would be if most users select
"don't care" in all of them, because then you would have no guidance
at all to what should be done. Unless of course you are not looking
for areas of improvement.

> Further, I think 'applications' is vague.
> I don't think many people will know which parts are GNOME and which
> parts are not.
> e.g. 'How happy are you with GNOME in regards to'
> (happy is not as suggestive as you might think; though another word
> might be better)

I do think it's suggestive. I also think improvement is suggestive,
but I think the suggestion that GNOME needs improvement is a good one,
specially if you are looking for areas of improvement.

>> >> >> === 06. What channel(s) do you use to request help about GNOME (if 
>> >> >> any)? ===
>> >> >
>> >> > With what purpose is this asked? No support is given on GNOME Bugzilla.
>> >> > Only minimal on gnome-list.
>> >>
>> >> It's important to have a two-way communication with the users, don't
>> >> you think? So it's important to figure out what channels they actually
>> >> use. In fact, I was thinking to add another question asking if they
>> >> feel there's lack of communication with the team.
>> >
>> > I don't see giving support as:
>> >  * something which shouldn't be done
>> >  * two-way communication
>> >  * a way that contributors communicate amongst each other
>> >
>> > However, we don't really give support. It would be nice to do more,
>> > but.. it is not done that much (bit on IRC, mailing lists, some forums).
>> > Though I'll say beforehand that I see support as separate from a
>> > developer task.
>> I still don't see any suggestions.
> My suggestion is to remove the question.

If people can respond in other ways: configuration => much improvement
needed. Then I'm fine with that.

>> It is important to know how many people actually use bugzilla, and how
>> many people ask questions in IRC channels, mailing lists, etc.
> With what purpose? What would GNOME get out of this information?

Suppose 90% of responders don't use any channel of communication.
Perhaps you would then arrive to the conclusion that more channels of
communications are needed, or the current ones need to be advertised

>> Maybe:
>> What channel(s) do you use to communicate with the GNOME team (if any)?
> This doesn't reflect support anymore?

That is irrelevant. Why are you pushing so hard against this? Are you
trying to say that if users don't have any means of giving feedback to
the GNOME team, that is _good_?

>> >> > Things I'd like to know:
> Other idea is asking which distribution they use. Might be handy as I
> saw someone mention GNOME 3 is very crash prone and it should not be. We
> might also get people who might think 'Unity' and 'KDE' == GNOME.
> Perhaps ask what their desktop looks similar to with some example
> images.

I think if they don't even know what GNOME is, the answers will be
messy. Like GNOME version 4.7. But sure, a picture to select might
help, although that doesn't seem to be available in questionpro.com.

Felipe Contreras
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