On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:50:37 +0100
Raphaël Jacquot <sxp...@sxpert.org> wrote:

> On 21 nov. 2012, at 21:31, Alberto Ruiz <ar...@gnome.org> wrote:
> > A "classic mode" for GNOME Shell could make use of less expensive effects 
> > that could relieve the software rendenrer making the experience a lot nicer 
> > on machines with driver problems (or other cases where native GL could not 
> > be provided).
> sounds like a rather good option, how about asking on firstboot, when 
> detecting hardware that could be rather slow, an option to cut all the nice 
> bling, so as to save cpu/gpu cycles...

That ought to be happening automatically based upon timing the effects
and also on things like battery life. 3D compositing is a video memory
hog and that has material power impact.

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