GNOME is a free software project where all the decision making process
should be transparent. Mailing lists, for example, are transparent.

The tool you recommend will go against the spirit of openness and community.

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 1:36 AM, אנטולי קרסנר <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I found a tool for collaborative decision making and brainstorming
> called loomio:
> It's open for private beta, and I think Gnome, as a community project,
> can really benefit from using it.
> Currently the communication between people in the project is done in
> several channels not connected to each other: mailing list, GnomeLive
> wiki and IRC channels. All three of them treat all text as just plain
> text, meaning the computer doesn't provide us tools for specific content
> such as brainstorming, ideas, plans, schedules, etc.
> Loomio doesn't provide all of these things, but it's a great tool for a
> community to use for managing ideas and decisions.
> What do you think?
> Anatoly
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Andy Tai,, Skype: licheng.tai
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