On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 03:33:06PM +0300, אנטולי קרסנר wrote:
> So I'm not attacking the relevance of existing tools. I'm suggesting a
> tool which may be better for some use cases. Maybe it can, maybe it
> can't, but don't judge so quickly.

It just seems some basics are missing. What is missing from what we
currently have, what are the benefits or what we currently have. Then go
on to check what can solve it in a better way.

At the moment I'm guessing:
1. wish for all decisions to be documented
2. decisions to be easily findable by people who are not involved
3. all components of a decision to be logged

If above is a good summary, then:
#1 is nice to have, #3 is IMO unrealistic, #2 is not the right focus,
should be better if people taking decisions can log their reasoning more

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