
On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 1:05 PM, Carlos Soriano <csori...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Jehan,
> Knowing that core contributors like you and GIMP maintainers will have
> access to the repo, are the sporadic contributions still many enough enough

Yes we still have regular one-time contributions. If anything, we are
the ones who don't review them fast enough, though we have been
getting better now and try to review external patches in a more timely

> for fetching a remote being inconvenient? Is it because it takes
> considerably more time to fetch a repo than download and applying a patch?

It does take more time indeed. But the most annoying part is having to
switch branches. When you checkout another branch, autotools gets
confused and will re-build much more than what it should have if I
just applied the patch (actually for good reasons sometimes; for
instance often the branch would be based on older commits than master
HEAD). So you transform a 10-second builds into a 10-minute build
(this is *not* exageration; if the patch is on a plugin or even on
most of the core for instance, the rebuild will be very quick; but if
it starts rebuilding libgimp*, then we are doomed!).
When it's a separate remote, I even wonder if git will still make the
link between the 2 remotes? Will it try to rebuild everything from
scratch? This would be absolutely terrible.

What I would do to test a patch is:
- wget
- git apply (this won't make a commit so I won't push it by mistake)
- test it. If it looks good…
- git checkout -- .
- git am
- Optionally fix minor stuff and amend, edit the commit message if needed.
- git push

If the patch looks really simple and obviously good from the basic
visual review, I would just ignore the `git apply` steps. Just git am,
test, push. This can all be done in 15 minutes. In these 15 minutes,
the procedure and rebuild could take just 2 or 3 minutes; the 10+
additional minutes are because I do thorough tests even for small

If I am forced to checkout another branch, the procedure + build would
be suddenly extremely long and boring.

Now I don't say that there is no alternative. I guess what I would do
is: fetch the remote (don't checkout it), then cherry-pick only the
commit. This way, I avoid a stupid rebuild of useless stuff. It's
still not as good as previously since it will still take longer, and I
lose the `git apply` step, which is the step which allows me to work
and test patches on master without fearing making a stupid push
mistake. Now here too there are workarounds, like I could git reset
immediately to get rid of the commit (still keeping the code), but
that makes a lot of workarounds now! ;P

So yeah, that's not as bright and simple as it could be.


> Cheers,
> Carlos Soriano
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Proposal to deploy GitLab on gnome.org
> Local Time: May 17, 2017 12:47 PM
> UTC Time: May 17, 2017 10:47 AM
> From: jehan.marmott...@gmail.com
> To: Tristan Van Berkom <tristan.vanber...@codethink.co.uk>,
> desktop-devel-list <desktop-devel-list@gnome.org>
> Hi,
> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Sébastien Wilmet <swil...@gnome.org>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 11:15:51PM +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
>>> I don't share your optimism about gitlab bug tracking, nor do I share
>>> in the mentioned frustration with bugzilla.
>> Me too, I like bugzilla (but not for doing code reviews).
>> What would be the pain points if GitLab is used only for git and code
>> reviews, and we keep bugzilla for the bug tracker? Have you considered
>> that option?
>> We would loose automatic links between bug tracker tickets and pull
>> requests. When a pull request is merged, we would need to close manually
>> the bugzilla ticket if everything is done. And when someone requests a
>> pull, the person would need to add a comment manually on bugzilla so
>> that other people know that the bug is being worked on.
>> Mmh I think that's not practical if the links must be done manually.
>> Maintaining the bugzilla instance would also require sysadmin time, and
>> development efforts to rebase the patches to new bugzilla versions.
>> I don't know, I'm excited about the idea to use a similar contribution
>> workflow as in GitHub, but less excited about having a bug tracker
>> similar to the GitHub one. (I've never used GitLab, but I'm familiar
>> with GitHub, and after seeing some screenshots it seems that the GitLab
>> bug tracker is similar to GitHub's).
> I like bugzilla too and guess it probably does more than github/lab
> bug trackers. But I also know there are annoying parts. Like someone
> noted that searching projects in the long list of GNOME projects is
> terrible experience (I even have a browser keyword so that I don't
> have to do this anymore, because it was so annoying; but obviously new
> contributors would not have such shortcuts).
> Also the fact that the reports actually have less options is not bad
> IMO. One gets lost in all these bz options. Simplicity is good
> sometimes. :-)
> gitlab has cool features too, like it's much easier to mention someone
> to have them take a look at a report, for instance.
> And finally, as you say, code review is much better. I like that you
> can annotate line per line (easier for the reviewee in particular to
> understand our review).
> Bottom line: I definitely don't think we should keep both bz and
> gitlab in the end.
> The only thing I am annoyed at is this forking workflow. Both as a
> contributor, and as a code committer/reviewer. Having to fetch a new
> remote for every single-commit contribution out there is terrible.
> Jehan
>> --
>> Sébastien
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