
I usually find the Compatibility Matrix very useful when thinking about
licensing issues. Since I have not seen it in this thread yet, I thought
I would post the link:



On 19/05/17 00:05, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-05-18 at 15:47 -0400, Carlos Soriano wrote:
>> Maybe I didn't explain well. Emilio points out there could one one of
>> those extensions that say GPL2+ to link to a GPL2-only library. But
>> that would make the extension itself GPL2 anyway, and it's License
>> file would have to reflect that initially.
> Again, it wouldn't. The combined work would be GPLv2-only, but each one
> of the items keeps its own license. The licenses are compatible.
> You don't have to have an piece of code depending on the exact same
> version of the license if those licenses are compatible. GPLv2-only is
> compatible with GPLv2+, as the license mentions for that dependency
> says:
> "either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
> version."
> The selection is "made" automatically when you run those 2 items in the
> same memory address space (eg. when you "link" them).
>> It's just a hipotetical case, I checked the extensions dependencies
>> in a quick look and look fine (>= GPL+2).
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