On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Lubos Lunak wrote:

> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 15:33:20 +0100
> From: Lubos Lunak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: desktop_architects@lists.osdl.org
> Cc: usability@gnome.org, Ryan Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Usability] Re: [Desktop_architects] Good Job
>  Gee, won't this stop :( ?


It is like the Tyre fire of Springfiled, it could keep burning for years.
[Obligatory Simpsons reference]

> Dne čtvrtek 15 prosinec 2005 06:27 Ryan Richards napsal(a):
> > Mr. Waugh:
> >
> > Having recently read about Mr. Torvalds's comments on the KDE vs. Gnome
> > matter,

There is no KDE versus Gnome.  Most of us have lots of respect for the
achievements of the other project but we all have our own priorities and
there is or at least should be a friendly sense of competition.  (Many of
us occasionally use one or two applications from the other project, some
even contribute code which is useful to both projects.)  We have far more
in common than we have to disagree about, the bigger competition lies

Unfortunately if project leaders fail to keep well intentioned but over
enthusiastic evangelists in line and ask them to be a little more polite
it gives the false impression they represent the whole project (this
happens to both groups).  Like it or not we represent our respective
communities by example.

>  And since such nonsense spreads quickly and happens to live long for some
> reason, I think I should give just a few quickly measured numbers:

[... interesting information about KDE performance ...]

It might also be worth noting that perception makes a huge difference to
how users evaluate performance.  To be fair starting a KDE application
from Gnome takes a little bit longer to get going than if you were already
running KDE.  Comfort and famiarity with a system will make it seem more
responsive even if the raw numbers say differently.

To each his own.

>  And now, please please pretty please, could all this flamewar material,
> crossposting from usability@gnome.org and other stuff that doesn't belong
> here please stop? Thank you. Some people would like to get some work done
> here, too bad I'm not sure anymore because of all this noise what this work
> was supposed to be.

Cross posting is evil.  Like trying to talk on two telephones at once.

It is almost enough to make one want to override the list Reply-To to make
it harder for people to do it (almost).


Alan Horkan

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