From the Linux desktop survey the most wanted application is an Emailer. So let’s get this problem solved, a cross-platform Emailer which is good enough to replace Outlook as the default Emailer for the masses. It doesn't have to look identical it has to look similar enough so an ordinary user can recognize its functionality. And it should have enough functionality so a power user can configure it for his liking. I propose about the following requirements:

Functionality requirements:
- it should be cross-platform running at least on Windows, Linux, MacOSX.
- it has at least the base functionality of Outlook
- it should have enough functionality to attract power users.

Implementation requirements:
- the GUI code is wyoGuide conformant
- the POP3 handling is a separate library
- an exchange server connection might be nice through a separate library
- RSS protocol?
- News protocol?

Anyone interested in working out such specs?

O. Wyss

Application guidelines:
Cross-platform Editor:
Cross-platform Filemanager

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