On Wednesday 21 December 2005 16:52, Dave Rosenberg wrote:
> In order for Linux desktops to be adopted in enterprises we need one
> set of software that provides all of the above in a bundled fashion.
> Kind of a bastard-child of OO.org/Mozilla etc containing office/
> browser/email in one fell swoop.

i think this survey was a bit like asking the patient to diagnose themselves. 
but that notwithstanding ...

... we already have software that provides all of the above in a bundled 
fashion. it's not compelling. why?

they need to be developed further (read: we need more developers)
they need to work with other desktop technologies better
        hardware (hand helds, for example)
        non-office-suite desktop software

KDE (and others, but i won't speak for them as that's a bit rude =) are 
working rather successfully on the "set of software that provides all the 
above in a bundled fashion". what we NEED are the things we identified in 
Portland to be addressed (including the items we didn't have break out 
sessions for, but which ended up on index cards) so we can do our job even 

the lack of an email app that does what people need (if that is indeed a 
problem) is the cough; the issues identified at Portland are the disease. 

do we really want to address symptoms?

Aaron J. Seigo
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

Full time KDE developer sponsored by Trolltech (http://www.trolltech.com)

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