Am Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2005 23:55 schrieb Miller, Marc:


> than getting an enterprise to switch to a new server.

All users of Exchange 5.x are forced to change servers anyway. Going from 5.x 
to 200x is a significant effort comparable like switching to Kolab. 

Part of the reasons why the effort is that big is that it forces the 
enterprises to introduce AD.

> ...and as long as 
> Exchange remains the enterprise server of choice, Outlook will remain the
> client of choice.

Exchange is the server of choice because it works best with OL. All 
alternatives incl. Notes are secondary citizen with regards to Outlook.

With Kolab we spend about 3/4 of the the time to get interaction and 
integration with OL correct.

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
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