On 22/12/05 06:31 am, Dan Kegel wrote:
> For those who haven't seen it already:
> a bit of controversy over closed development of Xgl:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/165205/
> http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2005/12/wouldnt-be-it-be-nice.html

The LWN article is restricted.

But there is this one too:

Since Xgl *could* be part of the core desktop architecture, and since these 
blogs designate one guilty player, maybe people with insight could explain (I 
know they are on the list). Because for me, and probably lot of other people, 
it looks like a public shaming that is negative towards the development of a 
free desktop architecture.

Shall I remind people how important eye-candy can be, and given how much 
investment is being put by the leading actors on the market (see Quartz 
Extreme in MacOSX, and see the requirement announced for Windows Vista), how 
it is important for us to integrate that *complex* parameter into the 

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